Student Government



A) Definition and purpose

1) The Senate exists to create and implement legislation that accurately reflects the collective opinion and/or interests of the Student Association.

B) Rights/Restrictions/Duties of the body

1) The Senate shall have the right to formally approve, 修改, 或拒绝, through a two-thirds vote, the administrative decisions of Executive Officers which are made on behalf of the Student Government.

2) The Senate shall have the right to recommend direction to Student Government, its representatives, 和身体.

3) The Senate shall have the right to examine all documents of the 费 Allocation Committee and Senate Finance Committee and make recommendations on the final budget for allocation of student activity fees, and all expenditures differing from the final budget.

C) 会员

1) College 参议员

a) There shall be seats for up to twelve College 参议员, two representing each of the six major academic schools and colleges: College of Liberal Arts, Herberger Business School, School of Public Affairs, College of Science and 工程, College of Education and 学习设计, and College of Health and Wellness Professions. These 参议员 must be admitted to a major within the school or college that they represent.

2) At-Large 参议员

a) There shall be seats for one At-Large Senator for every one thousand students in the Student Association, based on enrollment through Fall term of the year of election.  Fractions greater than one-half shall count as one seat.  There shall be a minimum of twelve At-Large seats.

3) Senator Rights/Restrictions/Duties

a) Each Student Senator may exercise full voting rights at Student Government meetings, regardless of other Student Government offices held.

b) Each Senator shall be a member of at least one Standing Committee.

c) Each Senator shall be a member of at least one University Committee that provides for student membership.

d) Each Senator shall hold a minimum of one office hour per week.

e) Each Senator has a duty to keep informed of current Student Association/Student Government issues and of their Committee assignments.

f) Each Senator who holds a college seat shall meet with that college's Dean not less than two times per academic term.  The Senator shall provide a report to the Academic Affairs Chair of their meetings with their dean.

g) Each Senator shall perform other duties as required by the 宪法, Student Government, or Student Government Executive Officers acting within the course and scope of their authority.

h) At-Large 参议员 are responsible to maintain contact with specific student organizations designated by the Communications Committee, to serve as a point of contact. Each At-Large Senator will contact his/her designated student organizations with updates from Senate meetings and to receive input. A monthly report of contact will be submitted to the Communications Chair by each At-Large Senator.

4) Election/Vacancies

a) College 参议员 shall be elected through general elections during Fall term

b) At-Large 参议员 shall be elected through general elections during Spring term.

c) If a Senator seat is vacant during a month other than the month of General Elections, the seat shall be filled through internal elections.

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