

放射技术计划侧重于一般放射摄影. Training in sonography (ultrasound imaging) is done in dedicated sonography programs (not at St. 云州). 圣. 云州 radiologic technology program does not include any clinical training in sonography (ultrasound imaging).

The Bachelor of Science degree in radiologic technology requires a prescribed curriculum and clinical course work at an affiliated hospital.

U. S. citizenship or permanent residency status is required for all students in this major.

Important note: the “admission and program requirements” given in the university catalog are not requirements needed for admission to St. 云州. They are requirements for students who are already enrolled in classes at St. 云州. 我们这里提供所有必需的课程. 你在来圣·琼斯之前不需要上任何课. 云州.

During the first two years, students take science courses and liberal education courses at St. 云州. The clinical radiologic courses are taken during the last two years and are completed at one of St. 云之州的临床分支机构. This is called the clinical internship phase (or sometimes the clinical phase) and the courses in it prepare students to take the national certification examination in radiologic technology as well as fulfill the graduation requirements for the bachelor’s degree in radiologic technology from St. 云州.

这个专业要求 工作见习 (PDF) (done 作为一名大学生 — after high school graduation and after the first day of classes in the fall of the first year at St. 云州) that can be done at any hospital or clinic that does x-ray imaging. The traditional way to do this is to contact the diagnostic imaging departments of hospitals close to where you live and ask them if you can do the 工作见习 there. 请参阅“常见问题”部分.

入读St. 云州不保证临床实习. Acceptance to clinical internships is competitive and is based on criteria set by the hospital affiliates. All of the on-campus pre-clinical requirements should be completed by May of the year in which the clinical phase begins.

我是一名高中生. 我需要采取的第一步是什么?

我是一个转学生. 我需要采取的第一步是什么?

我很困惑. 我需要做些什么才能参加这个项目?



Requirements for applying to a hospital internship (for current St. 云州学生)

